Bob, maybe Dallas bought a gadget play QB? Like Taysom Hill? Save Dak’s body from designed QB run or make one pass? Goal line, or short yardage?

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It is possible, I suppose. But, they would be telegraphing their intentions. On the other hand, on 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1, it would be a great idea.

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Do you really want to take Prescott off the field for a gadget guy? I don't.

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Gadget play QBs are fool's gold [Hill might be an exception given his speed and quickness, but even his impact is limited], as the defense knows that the offensive scheme that got a team in the red zone is now moot, and "the package" is installed on the field, and has seen film of said "package", and stuffs the play anyway. Need superior + NFL level athletes to keep "the package" viable.

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Could we see Lance used as more of a rushing weapon? Aside from Pollard, he may be the second best "rusher" on this team with his speed and size combination. I'm sure he doesn't want to be seen as a running back, but any way he can see the field (and use his arm on occasion as a wrinkle) could be beneficial for all. Still a low price to pay to get the ball in his hands a few times a game to see what impact he can have.

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LOL!!! Love the "Tetherball lure" analogy!!! (most readers check notes, google, and ask..."what is this Tetherball that Bob speaks of???). Lovely Boomer level culture/nostalgia aside, I have the same concerns as you regarding the alignment of Dak's contract and Lance's. However, when it comes to learning the offense and getting acclimated to the coaches, Lance should be ready in 2024 to compete for QB2 and be a viable backup. Any word on whether he is a quick study? OTOH IMHO if his processing of the play and field in front of him after the snap is as lagging as SF believed it to be, then there will probably be no showcase-then-flip him. Then again, SF kept Darnold who is now on his 3rd team...and we all know how he looks (👎).

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I know McCarthy has often advocated for draft and develop quarterbacks, but the timing of this is all wrong. I know it wasn’t possible because lance wasn’t available then, but if we could have gotten him at some point earlier in the year where he could have gone through at least some of the off-season program and get valuable reps in camp and preseason games, this deal would have made much more sense.

As it stands now he will be able to only get mental reps until next offseason, assuming neither Prescott or Rush get hurt. If Lance has to play this year, everyone’s in trouble and we should have kept Grier. The whole season goes down the drain in that case.

If Lance is to develop to the potential the experts predicted for him, then he needs reps, and and the soonest he can get those is next season’s offseason program. It seems doubtful that would be enough to get him regular playing time, again barring injuries. Then by the next offseason he’s out of contract, unless, as Bob noted the Cowboys were to decide to tag him which seems cost prohibitive with the salary of a franchise QB already on the books. Maybe it’s possible to resign him for backup money but that seems doubtful. The only alternative seems to be the hope that he will progress rapidly enough to showcase his talent in camp and preseason games for some quarterback needy team to be willing to give the Cowboys at least their fourth round investment back.

It would appear there’s too many ifs and buts here to hope for a Merry Olde Christmas.

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As a Dallas based Niner Fan you just wrote everything I have been telling my Cowboy fa. Friends. Great Job as always Bob.

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I like the move. I think Lance could be an asset or could be nothing, but the risk reward is in Dallas’ favor to me. Shouldn’t you always try to improve your team? And for QB3 why not take a moon shot?

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::cues up Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack::

Wanna play me?

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No, it’s not. But using all of your resources - including draft picks - to construct a cohesive roster should be. And pulling the trigger on a deal without even telling your head coach is strange. This isn’t fantasy football and the coach might want to weigh in on the impact a deal could have on team chemistry.

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This is pure Jerry. He loves the idea of getting an asset for 50 cents on the dollar, and he is always willing to depart from the master plan to do it.

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A late 4th round pick is the master plan?

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Great write-up, @BobSturm. You have also advocated over the years drafting and developing QBs. Dak could get injured. Lance could look like a franchise QB1.

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Is this a wasted roster spot move or was carrying 3 QBs going to be a given at some point in the season?

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But wouldn't he have to be on your 53?

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yes, for sure. That isn't a problem. There aren't 53 Cowboys worth more than him.

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Well Bob, that's to be seen. The concern was the roster spot. Maybe someone like Luepke gets shuffled out of here because of this, and someone else will benifit.

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Well I will speak for myself: he is easily on the 53.

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Great to hear, I do trust your opinion. Thanks.

With all the talk about how tough this year's cuts are going to be... Typical JJ.

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So there are rumors floating around that Shanahan never wanted Lance but the Front Office drafted him anyway. I don't know if that makes any sense (I kinda doubt it), but those rumors are out there.

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The front office was hired by Shanahan and works for him, so I would not believe these rumors on any level.

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I just see it as catastrophic injury insurance. If Dak has some kind of horrific injury, you have two qbs on the roster that are capable of at least average play for the next two years. Either way I really am not getting too worked up over it.

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I don't disagree at all, but Cooper Rush is better than Trey Lance in 2023 and it isn't even close.

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I agree with Greggo....

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